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Pietro Fabris, solo violin

Ferrara Jazz Club via Rampari di Belfiore, 167, Ferrara, Italy

programme featuring "Hummingbird Pulse" by Livia Malossi, for violin solo.

LE CITTÀ INVISIBILI – Teatro Comunale di Ferrara

Teatro Comunale di Ferrara Corso Martiri della Libertà, 5, Ferrara, FE, Italy

di Italo Calvino Collettivo Istantanea flauto, flauto basso Alessandro Lo Giudice clarinetto, clarinetto basso Daniele D’Alessandro violino Alma Napolitano viola Pietro Fabris violoncello Enrico Mignani pianoforte Denis Zardi elettronica Francesco Bigoni direttore Tommaso Ussardi musiche di Gioia Gurioli, Alfonso Santimone, Francesco Bigoni, Dimitri Sillato, Livia Malossi, Denis Zardi, Andrea Agostini scenografie e coreografie Istantanea produzione Fondazione Teatro Comunale di Ferrara   In occasione… Read More »LE CITTÀ INVISIBILI – Teatro Comunale di Ferrara

Virtual Landscape in St. Paul, Minnesota (US)

Studio Z 275 4th St E UNIT 200, St Paul, United States

Virtual Landscape 001 is gonna be performed once again, this time at Studio Z in San Paul, Minneapolis. Virtual Landscape 001 won the 113 collective call for scores of the season 2022.

Soundscape – Korzo Theater

Korzo theater Prinsestraat 42, Den Haag, Netherlands

Royal Conservatory of Music & Royal Academy of Arts presents: Soundscape - Madame Citron A collaboration between the Royal Academy of Art (KABK) and the Royal Conservatoire (KONCON). This performance is part of Spring Festival. 24zzz Lai Keng Lam The Box Laura Modoni, Loona Dusser, Delara Navaey, Katarina Kadijevic The Garden Kaat Vanhaverbeke, Tim Dekker… Read More »Soundscape – Korzo Theater

Dream of the Siren at WORM, Rotterdam (NL)

WORM, Rotterdam Boomgaardsstraat 71, Rotterdam, Netherlands

Dream of the Siren is a research project exploring applications of artificial intelligence programs in contemporary music. This project aims to exploit the “failures” of currently available AI technology, such as uncanny voice clonings, highly random text suggestions, repetitive musical structures, and illogical musical transitions. The project seeks to find a path to artistically fulfilling co-existence… Read More »Dream of the Siren at WORM, Rotterdam (NL)

Rodo Nijhoff Graduation Concert

Royal Conservatoire The Hague Spuiplein 150, The Hague, The Netherlands, Netherlands

Rodo Nijhoff will play "Hummingbird Pulse" (2023) by Livia Malossi Bottignole for viola.

VIBROTAXIS Exhibition @WEST Den Haag

WEST Den Haag Lange Voorhout 102, Den Haag, Netherlands

Vibrotaxis Exhibition at WEST, Den Haag. Final exhibition of the Sound Installation class by Justin Bennett's students. Sound Loom  Multidisciplinary Research Project & Haptic Audiovisual Installation by Livia Malossi Bottignole and Daniel Lythgoe   Complete program TBA.

TRANSHUMAN[CE] live at Trame Sonore – Mantova

Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Mantova Piazza Sordello, 27, Mantova, Italy

Italian premiere of TRANSHUMAN for string trio, commissioned by Versoi Ensemble in 2021. Wunderkammer Elisa Prosperi, voce Alma Napolitano, violino Pietro Fabris, viola Enrico Mignani, violoncello Rocco Castellani, contrabbasso Gian Maria Matteucci, clarinetto Michele Fontana, clarinetto e clarinetto basso Tommaso Ussardi, direttore Virtual Landscape S. Sciarrino (1947) Due risvegli e il vento per soprano, clarinetti,… Read More »TRANSHUMAN[CE] live at Trame Sonore – Mantova

Graduation Concert – Koninklijk Conservatorium Den Haag

Royal Conservatoire The Hague Spuiplein 150, The Hague, The Netherlands, Netherlands

Composition Department Graduation Concert. Program TBA New composition for flute, live electronics, and ice w/ Petra Valtellina.

11,000 Saiten – Holland Festival

Gashouder Klönneplein 1, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Fifty pianos in a large circle in the Gashouder in Amsterdam. They form the starting point for an overwhelming composition, sometimes of ethereal beauty and at other times swelling menacingly to a thundering roar. 11,000 Saiten, "11,000 Strings," is the name of this new outsized composition by grandmaster Georg Friedrich Haas. Klangforum Wien asked him… Read More »11,000 Saiten – Holland Festival

11,000 Saiten – Holland Festival

Gashouder Klönneplein 1, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Fifty pianos in a large circle in the Gashouder in Amsterdam. They form the starting point for an overwhelming composition, sometimes of ethereal beauty and at other times swelling menacingly to a thundering roar. 11,000 Saiten, “11,000 Strings,” is the name of this new outsized composition by grandmaster Georg Friedrich Haas. Klangforum Wien asked him… Read More »11,000 Saiten – Holland Festival

Sharpener Quartet Premiére

Royal Conservatoire The Hague Spuiplein 150, The Hague, The Netherlands, Netherlands

"Sharpener Quartet", a fixed media piece for amplified electric sharpener quartet is gonna be premiered on June 27th in New Music Lab, at Koninklijk Conservatorium Den Haag. Written under the guidance of Hugo Morales Murguia.

KLANG-ORE x Lorenzo Dari’s Graduation Concert

Conservatorio G.B. Martini di Bologna Piazza Rossini, 2, Bologna, Italy

Lorenzo Dari Percussion Master Degree Graduation Concert. Conservatorio G.B. Martini di Bologna, Aula Fugazza. KLANG-ORE Project Music by Riccardo Perugini, Lorenzo Dari, Alessandro Pivetti, Vahid Efthekar Hosseini, Pedram Pishkar, Marco Pedrazzi, Livia Malossi Bottignole for solo vibraphone:   Vahid Hosseini (1984) such-me Riccardo Perugini (1996) Courante Alternatif Alessandro Pivetti (1984) Grimoire Pedram Shekari (1987) La… Read More »KLANG-ORE x Lorenzo Dari’s Graduation Concert

Virtual Landscape – Istantanea Ensemble

Teatro di Castelnovo ne' Monti Via Roma, 75, Castelnovo ne' Monti, Reggio Emilia, Italy

Per la rassegna itinerante ideata dalla rete Count-Er-Point, Istantanea Ensemble replicherà il concerto "Virtual Landscape" Elisa Prosperi, voce Alma Napolitano, violino Pietro Fabris, viola Enrico Mignani, violoncello Rocco Castellani, contrabbasso Gian Maria Matteucci, clarinetto Michele Fontana, clarinetto e clarinetto basso Tommaso Ussardi, direttore Virtual Landscape S. Sciarrino (1947) Due risvegli e il vento per soprano,… Read More »Virtual Landscape – Istantanea Ensemble

KLANG-ORE at Espacio Ronda, Madrid

Espacio Rod Ronda de Segovia, 50, Madrid, Arganzuela, Spain

KLANG-ORE is continuing its travel by reaching Espacio Ronda in Madrid, where Lorenzo Dari will play the full program of the concert.   Vahid Hosseini (1984) such-me Riccardo Perugini (1996) Courante Alternatif Alessandro Pivetti (1984) Grimoire Gloria Rodríguez Gil (1972) 220 Pedram Shekari (1987) La parola perduta Simon Kravos (1999) Pchlbl Livia Malossi (1996) Cartografie… Read More »KLANG-ORE at Espacio Ronda, Madrid

KLANG-ORE Recording in Madrid


Thanks to the European Mobility Grant, Lorenzo Dari and Livia Malossi (KLANG-ORE) will travel to Madrid to work on recording an album with Spanish record label Da-Sh Music.

Cross Mode Premiere at Grachtenfestival

Cross Mode for turkish kemence, played by Emine Bostancı Premiere at Grachtenfestival, Amsterdam Photo: Lucas Kemper from Gaudeamus Festival official website

Tai Kwun Contemporary | BOOKED: Hong Kong Art Book Fair

TAI KWUN CONTEMPORARY 10 Hollywood Road, Tai Kwun, Hong Kong

TAI KWUN CONTEMPORARY BOOKED: Hong Kong Art Book Fair August 30 - September 1, 2024 Tai Kwun Contemporary's BOOKED: Hong Kong Art Book Fair is returning for its sixth edition, with local, regional, and international exhibitors, from 30 August to 1 September 2024.   The Limited Edition Boxed Set is also now available on the… Read More »Tai Kwun Contemporary | BOOKED: Hong Kong Art Book Fair