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RUZIE in San Gimignano, for Accademia Chigiana

Rocca di Montestaffoli San Gimignano, Siena

RUZIE, for voice, recorder and basset horn is gonna be played again by Het Leve Duo (Mathilde Lettinga and Jasperina Verheij) in Rocca di Montestaffoli, San Gimignano (IT), for the Festival "Orizzonti Musicali" in collaboration with Accademia Chigiana in Siena. More info at:

Musica Sacra Festival in Maastricht (NL)

Accademia Jan van Eyck Academieplein 1, Maastricht, Netherlands

Music by Hesce Mourits, Livia Malossi Bottignole, Niko Schroeder e Thijmen Krijgsman On poems by Maarten van der Graaff, Hannah van Binsbergen, Nisrine Mbarki e Miguel Santos Ensemble Academy from Royal Conservatoire The Hague A concert consisting only of previews! Commissioned by Musica Sacra Maastricht, four composition students from the Royal Conservatory of The Hague… Read More »Musica Sacra Festival in Maastricht (NL)


Royal Conservatoire Awards 2023

Royal Conservatoire The Hague Spuiplein 150, The Hague, The Netherlands, Netherlands

During this event all students that have won an award for this academic year 2022-2023 will receive their prize. Livia Malossi Bottignole won a research prize from the De Zaaier foundation. Reservation required through link on KC website.


Primo vere – 2^ edition

Nella prima edizione del progetto “Primo Vere” dello scorso 2022 sono state selezionate (e poi eseguite dal FontanaMIXensemble attraverso un apposito workshop di 3 giorni) opere prime di allievi del Corso di Composizione dell’Accademia Filarmonica di Bologna, del “Premio Alberghini” e di neolaureati del Conservatorio di Musica di Bologna.  Quest’anno l’ensemble bolognese ha esteso il progetto anche… Read More »Primo vere – 2^ edition

IL GRANDE MACABRO – mostra multimediale a cura di FontanaMIX e In.Nova Fert

Ex chiesa di San Mattia Via Santa Isaia 13, Bologna, Italy

4 e 5 ottobre – dalle 15:00 alle 20:00 Ex chiesa di San Mattia Via Santa Isaia 13 – Bologna in collaborazione con Teatro Comunale di Bologna Museo internazionale e biblioteca della musica di Bologna Cineteca di Bologna Fondo Giorgio Pressburger del Teatro Lirico Sperimentale Il primo gennaio del 1978 andò in scena, per la… Read More »IL GRANDE MACABRO – mostra multimediale a cura di FontanaMIX e In.Nova Fert

Places live for Apulia Suona – Contemporary Sound ’23

Laboratorio Urbano GOS Giovani Open Space di Barlett Viale Guglielmo Marconi, 49, Barletta, Puglia, Italy

QUADRI MUSICALI D'AUTORE Contemporary Sound 2023 Il concerto "Poiesis - Quadri musicali d'autore" vedrà come protagonisti due giovani talentuosi, Simone Niro al pianoforte e Gerardo Scavone al violoncello, che eseguiranno la IV Suite in Mib maggiore, di J.S. Bach: una fra le più difficili a livello tecnico ma anche fra le più affascinanti per la… Read More »Places live for Apulia Suona – Contemporary Sound ’23

Concerto di Premiazione – Felice e Luigi Magone ’22

Sala Bossi, Conservatorio G. B. Martini Piazza Rossini, 2, Bologna, Italy

Il concerto di premiazione delle borse di studio del Premio Magone 2022 si terrà il 21 ottobre 2023, nella Sala Bossi del Conservatorio. Il programma della serata consisterà nell'esecuzione di brani originali dei vincitori del premio dell'a.a. 2021/2022, a cui è stata commissionata la composizione di un brano per l'organico del giovanissimo Ensemble di Musica… Read More »Concerto di Premiazione – Felice e Luigi Magone ’22


Joe Puglia live at Amare

Amare, Conservatoriumzaal Spuiplein 150, Den Haag, Netherlands

Out of a fascination for Bach, Lera Auerbach has written the ten-part composition par.ti.ta. She does not quote any specific work by Bach, but creates a sound world all her own, which is highly variegated and in which echoes of his music resound. This concert is part of the Lera Auerbach Festival. Programme Interspersed with… Read More »Joe Puglia live at Amare

€11 – €20

KLANG-ORE in Rovigo (IT)

Conservatorio di Musica "Francesco Venezze" Corso del Popolo, 241, Rovigo, Italy

Replica del Concerto KLANG-ORE con il percussionista Lorenzo Dari presso il Conservatorio di Musica "Francesco Venezze" di Rovigo (IT). In programma, musiche di Riccardo Perugini, Lorenzo Dari, Alessandro Pivetti, Edoardo Dadone, Vahid Efthekar Hosseini, Pedram Pishkar, Ingrid Mačus, Marco Pedrazzi, Livia Malossi Bottignole per vibrafono solo.

“Voices for Violin” at November Music

Noordbrabants Museum Verwersstraat 41, 's-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands

Every violin harbors its own characteristic world of sound. For his project Voices of the Violin, American-Dutch violinist Joe Puglia delves into the rich world of the violin's emotions. In recent decades, Puglia has emerged as a passionate advocate for contemporary music. His repertoire includes works by György Ligeti, Kate Moore and Luciano Berio. For… Read More »“Voices for Violin” at November Music

Panflute and Percussion Concert – Feinsum (NL)

Sint Vituskerk Holdingawei 51, Finkum, Netherlands

Panflute virtuoso Matthijs Koene will perform together with the French percussionist Raphael Simon a contemporary programme with works written especially for the duo.     Programma Emmanuel Séjourné (*1961) – Le Groove du Hameau (2023) Jasper de Bock (*2003) – EINTANZ (2023) Livia Malossi Bottignole (*1996) – No Title Yet (2023) Maarten Bauer (*2000) – Un autre oiseau prêché (2023) Christian Hamouy (*1955)… Read More »Panflute and Percussion Concert – Feinsum (NL)

KLANG-ORE in Trieste (IT)

Replica del Concerto KLANG-ORE con il percussionista Lorenzo Dari, in collaborazione con la ZSKD, Zveza slovenskih kulturnih društev (o Unione dei Circoli culturali Sloveni) a Barcola, in provincia di Trieste. In programma, musiche di Riccardo Perugini, Lorenzo Dari, Alessandro Pivetti, Edoardo Dadone, Vahid Efthekar Hosseini, Pedram Pishkar, Ingrid Mačus, Marco Pedrazzi, Livia Malossi Bottignole.

“Voices for Violin” at Nieuwe Huys Concerten Zaandam

Vermaning Westzijde 80, Zaandam, Netherlands

Joe Puglia speelt nieuwe muziek, speciaal gecomponeerd voor zijn project, waarin hij de relatie tussen instrument en bespeler onderzoekt. Muziek van Jan vd Putte, Martijn Padding, Kate Moore Robin de Raaff e.a.

Voices of the Violin – Santpoort

'T Mosterdzaadje Kerkweg 29, Santpoort-Noord, Netherlands

Joseph Puglia is gonna play his "Voices of the Violin" once more, at 'T Mosterdzaadje in Santpoort-Noord, The Netherlands. From Joe's website, about the concert: “Voices of the Violin” is a cycle of new solo pieces. Rather than showing the personality of the performer or composer, these works aim to show how the personality of… Read More »Voices of the Violin – Santpoort

Luoghi terrestri, Luoghi celesti – Elide Sulsenti live for Modo InfoShop

Modo Infoshop Via Mascarella, 24b, Bologna, Italy

Luoghi terrestri, Luoghi celesti Luciano Berio – Sequenza XIV (2002) Gioia Gurioli – Couloir du Noir (2018) Krzysztof Penderecki – Capriccio per Siegfried Palm (1968) Livia Malossi – Places (2021) Kaija Saariaho – Sept Papillons (2000) Durata totale circa 50’ a cura di Istantanea   "Tra le righe di questo programma si nascondono linguaggi ed… Read More »Luoghi terrestri, Luoghi celesti – Elide Sulsenti live for Modo InfoShop

Luoghi terrestri, Luoghi celesti – Elide Sulsenti live at JazzClub Ferrara

Luoghi terrestri, Luoghi celesti Luciano Berio – Sequenza XIV (2002) Gioia Gurioli – Couloir du Noir (2018) Krzysztof Penderecki – Capriccio per Siegfried Palm (1968) Livia Malossi – Places (2021) Kaija Saariaho – Sept Papillons (2000) Durata totale circa 50’ A cura di Istantanea Aps.   "Tra le righe di questo programma si nascondono linguaggi… Read More »Luoghi terrestri, Luoghi celesti – Elide Sulsenti live at JazzClub Ferrara

KOnStruCt #25

Korzo theater Prinsestraat 42, Den Haag, Netherlands

Slagwerk Den Haag, the Royal Conservatoire and Korzo Theater have initiated a series of research projects where collaboration and innovation are central. During KOnStruCt, new ideas and experiments by composers and percussionists from the Royal Conservatoire are presented in a Korzo concert. Music by Livia Malossi Bottignole, Zeynep Oktar, Katherine Teng. Performers: Kalina Vladovska, Te-Ping… Read More »KOnStruCt #25

Ruzie at “My Oma”, by Het Leve Duo

Kunstinstituut Melly Witte de Withstraat 50, Rotterdam, Netherlands

Jasperina Verheij and Mathilde Lettinga are gonna perform "Ruzie" for "My Oma", an exhibition in Kunstinstituut Melly. From the website: Kunstinstituut Melly welcomes you to celebrate the opening of our upcoming exhibition My Oma, a curatorial project focusing on the figure of the grandmother. This opening reception will take place as part of our festive opening… Read More »Ruzie at “My Oma”, by Het Leve Duo

“La Voix du Pianiste” – Piano Spheres Festival, Los Angeles

Thayer Hall at the Colburn School 200 S Grand Ave, Los Angeles, United States

Genevieve Feiwen Lee – La Voix du Pianiste   Tuesday March 5th at 8PM: Genevieve Feiwen Lee at Thayer Hall Guest pianist Genevieve Feiwen Lee will present “La Voix du Pianiste” or Voice of the Pianist.  Ms. Lee will present a program that features speaking and singing with keyboards.  Performing on piano, toy piano, harpsichord, and other percussion… Read More »“La Voix du Pianiste” – Piano Spheres Festival, Los Angeles

$10 – $25