Cross Mode for turkish kemence, played by Emine Bostancı Premiere at Grachtenfestival, Amsterdam Photo: Lucas Kemper from Gaudeamus Festival official website
TAI KWUN CONTEMPORARY BOOKED: Hong Kong Art Book Fair August 30 - September 1, 2024 Tai Kwun Contemporary's BOOKED: Hong Kong Art Book Fair is returning for its sixth edition, with local, regional, and international exhibitors, from 30 August to 1 September 2024. The Limited Edition Boxed Set is also now available on the… Read More »Tai Kwun Contemporary | BOOKED: Hong Kong Art Book Fair
"Opera Risciò" è una rassegna itinerante di musica classica contemporanea a Villa Borghese, dove tradizione e innovazione si incontrano. Dal 9 al 13 settembre, cinque compositori under 35 presentano nuove composizioni per voce e strumento, eseguite su un golf cart trasformato in palcoscenico mobile. Gli spettatori, a bordo di un secondo cart, seguiranno il percorso… Read More »Happy Ending – Opera Risciò
It is a process that every musician has to deal with at least once in his or her career: the search for a new instrument. Violinist Joseph Puglia had to search for a “new” instrument in 2021, in the midst of the crown crisis. He tried more than 80 violins, each with its own character… Read More »Voices of the Violin in Leiden