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Play! Final Performance

Play – breaking the boundaries between listening and performing Featuring Joe Puglia, Cristiano Viviani, students of the Koninklijk Conservatorium and audience. This laboratory investigates the way audience and performers collaborate… Read More »Play! Final Performance

Pietro Fabris, solo violin

Ferrara Jazz Club via Rampari di Belfiore, 167, Ferrara, Italy

programme featuring "Hummingbird Pulse" by Livia Malossi, for violin solo.

LE CITTÀ INVISIBILI – Teatro Comunale di Ferrara

Teatro Comunale di Ferrara Corso Martiri della Libertà, 5, Ferrara, FE, Italy

di Italo Calvino Collettivo Istantanea flauto, flauto basso Alessandro Lo Giudice clarinetto, clarinetto basso Daniele D’Alessandro violino Alma Napolitano viola Pietro Fabris violoncello Enrico Mignani pianoforte Denis Zardi elettronica Francesco Bigoni direttore Tommaso Ussardi musiche di Gioia… Read More »LE CITTÀ INVISIBILI – Teatro Comunale di Ferrara

Soundscape – Korzo Theater

Korzo theater Prinsestraat 42, Den Haag, Netherlands

Royal Conservatory of Music & Royal Academy of Arts presents: Soundscape - Madame Citron A collaboration between the Royal Academy of Art (KABK) and the Royal Conservatoire (KONCON). This performance… Read More »Soundscape – Korzo Theater

Rodo Nijhoff Graduation Concert

Royal Conservatoire The Hague Spuiplein 150, The Hague, The Netherlands, Netherlands

Rodo Nijhoff will play "Hummingbird Pulse" (2023) by Livia Malossi Bottignole for viola.

Graduation Concert – Koninklijk Conservatorium Den Haag

Royal Conservatoire The Hague Spuiplein 150, The Hague, The Netherlands, Netherlands

Composition Department Graduation Concert. Program TBA New composition for flute, live electronics, and ice w/ Petra Valtellina.

Sharpener Quartet Premiére

Royal Conservatoire The Hague Spuiplein 150, The Hague, The Netherlands, Netherlands

"Sharpener Quartet", a fixed media piece for amplified electric sharpener quartet is gonna be premiered on June 27th in New Music Lab, at Koninklijk Conservatorium Den Haag. Written under the… Read More »Sharpener Quartet Premiére

Cross Mode Premiere at Grachtenfestival

Cross Mode for turkish kemence, played by Emine Bostancı Premiere at Grachtenfestival, Amsterdam Photo: Lucas Kemper from Gaudeamus Festival official website